
環球樂遊 2024-03-08 09:12:56


The sixth installment of the legendary NO ROCKSTARS night will be featuring an exclusive appearance of New York icon MATT FX, alongside local heroes, at WOOBAR® with a lot of nice surprises.

This is where it all starts, so you definitely don’t want to miss out! Book your tables and get your tickets quickly on this epic Saturday night as we will be dancing the night away together in pure W SOUND!

With over one million combined music streams and two million total YouTube views, Matt FX has firmly established himself as a force in the music industry.

The "musical polymath" (as mentioned by Forbes) brings a unique and irreverent approach to his sets, characterized by the New York Times as "interesting social commentary on multiple levels."

Matt FX's ability to curate eclectic and diverse sets shows that he’s more than comfortable navigating various genres and styles; which has led him to share line-ups with top-tier names like Disclosure, Boys Noize, Bonobo, Carl Craig, DJ Seinfeld and Azealia Banks.

上海外灘W酒店NO ROCKSTARS系列派對將于3月23日升級回歸!

來自紐約的先鋒音樂人MATT FX攜手多位國際DJ于WOOBAR®酒吧縱情演繹熱烈震撼的音樂體驗。引爆熱情電音現場,精彩不容錯過!周六夜晚,讓我們一起墜入W品牌“SOUND”音樂文化!

Matt FX被《福布斯》稱爲“音樂鬼才”, 他的音樂態度獨特而大膽,被《紐約時報》評爲“以有趣多元的角度解構音樂文化”。Matt FX 擁有能夠演繹多樣化音樂現場的能力,可以駕馭各類風格,遊刃有余得玩轉音符旋律。

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