
上海外事商務咨詢中心 2024-05-16 09:11:40

It is widely known that foreigners who want to work in China are not just required to obtain a Z-visa. Usually, before entering China, they need to obtain a foreigner's work permit notification, and then apply for a Z-visa. After entering China with a Z-visa, they also need to obtain a work permit and a work residence permit in order to legally work in China.


Foreigner's work Z-visa is issued by the Chinese embassy (consulate), stating the reason for entering China, the allowed duration of stay, and the permit, with an endorsement (seal) on the passport or travel document held; The "Residence Permit for Foreigners of the People's Republic of China" is a thin piece of paper with anti-counterfeiting marks, pasted on the passport. Foreigners holding visas that indicate the need to apply for a residence permit upon entry shall apply for a residence permit for foreigners from the entry and exit management agency of the public security organ in the place of intended residence within 30 days from the date of entry.

外國人工作Z簽證是由中國使(領)館簽發,說明進入中國的事由、允許停留的時間、許可,在所持的護照或旅行證件上簽注(蓋章);《中華人民共和國外國人居留許可》是帶防僞標記的一張薄紙,貼在護照上。外國人所持簽證注明入境後需要辦理居留證件的, 應當自入境之日起30日內,向擬居留地公安機關出入境管理機構申請辦理外國人居留證件。

Article 8 of the "Regulations on the Administration of Employment of Foreigners in China" stipulates that foreigners working in China should enter the country with a Z-visa and obtain a "Foreigner’s Work Permit" and a work related residence permit before they can work in China.《外國人在中國就業管理規定》第八條規定:在中國就業的外國人應持 Z 字簽證入境,入境後取得《外國人工作許可證》和工作類居留證件,方可在中國境內就業。

Q1:Can foreigners stay in China by holding a Z-visa?

Q1:外國人持Z 字簽證來華就可以在華居留嗎?No. Foreigners are required to apply for a residence permit at the local public security exit and entry management department within 30 days from the date of entry with a Z-visa.


Q2:Can foreigners continue to use their residence permits when changing jobs in China?

Q2:外國人在華更換工作,居留許可還沒有到期,可以繼續使用嗎?No. If there is a change in the registration items of the residence permit for foreigners, a change application needs to be submitted. The applicant should submit relevant proof materials or personal basic information as well as relevant proof materials for the change of residence reasons in accordance with regulations. To apply for a new residence permit, the applicant needs to go to the entry and exit management agency of the public security organ to handle the relevant procedures in person.


Q3:Do foreigners who obtain a Foreigner's Permanent Resident Identity Card need to apply for a Foreigner's Work Permit?

Q3:取得《外國人永久居民身份證》的外國人是否要辦理《外國人工作許可證》?According to relevant regulations, foreigners who have obtained the "China Five Star Card" are exempt from applying for a "Foreigner’s Work Permit".


Q4:Can I start working now that I have obtained my Foreigner’s Work Permit?


Foreigners working in China must obtain a Foreigner's Work Permit and a Work Residence Permit. The former is issued by the Foreign Experts Bureau or the Science and Technology Bureau, while the latter is issued by the Exit Entry Administration. Only with complete two certificates can one legally work in China.


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